Fit Guide: How to Wear a Blazer

Figuring out how to wear a blazer is one of those style mysteries that really shouldn't be hard to figure out.  But it is.  What should fit where on a blazer isn't always clear.  And when you're shopping for blazers, it's easy to get overwhelmed.  But I'll help make it easy on you.  Here are four key fit 'points' for getting the perfect fitting blazer.

Stylist Conni Jespersen of Art in the Find Styling shares 4 important tips for finding the right blazer fit for you | blazer fit tips, how to wear a blazer, womens blazer fit tips, blazers women, art in the find

Stylist Conni Jespersen of Art in the Find Styling shares 4 important tips for finding the right blazer fit for you | blazer fit tips, how to wear a blazer, womens blazer fit tips, blazers women, art in the find

Fit Guide: How to Wear a Blazer

There are four main points to look at when trying on a blazer.  Starting from the neck down, let's take a look at fit from the shoulders, arms, waist, and hip.  Each of these contribute to the overall look of a blazer on you.  Get it right and the look is chic.  Get it wrong and it just looks outdated and dull. So step in front of that full length mirror and grab those blazers and let's get the try-on started. Figuring out how to wear a blazer just got a whole heck of lot easier, my friend.

1 - The Shoulder

blazer fit tips, how to wear a blazer, womens blazer fit tips, blazers women, art in the find

blazer fit tips, how to wear a blazer, womens blazer fit tips, blazers women, art in the find

Shall I say, one of the most important fit points? It is, it is, it is.  How should it fit?  Stand up against a wall and push the shoulder of the blazer against the wall.  If the blazer bunches at the shoulder, there is too much room and it's possible the blazer is too big in the shoulders.  What you want is for the shoulder seam of the blazer to hit right at your natural shoulder.  When that happens, you'll find there is no bunching of the blazer shoulder against the wall.

2 - The Arms

blazer fit tips, how to wear a blazer, womens blazer fit tips, blazers women, art in the find

blazer fit tips, how to wear a blazer, womens blazer fit tips, blazers women, art in the find

The shoulder fit (ill or otherwise) leads to the next fit mishap, the arm.  The arm has two main spots to take a look at when it comes to fit.  The upper arm (the bicep/tricep area) and the wrist.  In the upper arm especially, if it's too tight, it'll look like your muscles are 'bulging' out and that's not good.  You want room to be able to raise your elbow up and down to give yourself a hug, comfortably.  If the blazer feels too tight, it's a no-go.  Trying going up a size.

The wrist is another area to really pay attention to fit.  With a standard blazer (regular arm length) you're trying to achieve an arm length an inch or so above or below the wrist bone.  This way you can wear a regular long sleeve shirt or blouse underneath and have the shirt stick out just a bit under the blazer.  Or you can roll up the blazer sleeve just so, to reveal the shirt underneath. Unless you have a 3/4 arm length blazer or oversized fit, this is the arm length you're looking for.

3 - The Waist

blazer fit guide, how to wear a blazer, blazer fit tips women,

blazer fit guide, how to wear a blazer, blazer fit tips women,

What you're looking for here is for the blazer to cinch at your natural waist.  This is what's going to give your figure the correct features and appearance.  Aren't sure where your natural waist falls?  Take both of your hands and run them up your sides until you find the area on your torso that comes in ever-so-slightly.  It is at a different place for everyone which is why it's important to pay attention to where this is.

One thing you want to ensure on a blazer is that it follows the curve of your natural waist.  Most blazers have a natural 'hourglass' shape.  This helps to give your body definition.  But where the hourglass shape falls has to do with the length and measurement of the blazer.  This is why it's important to try on a lot of different blazers from various brands.

4 - The Hip

blazer fit guide, how to wear a blazer, blazer fit tips women,

blazer fit guide, how to wear a blazer, blazer fit tips women,

Where a blazer falls on your hip involves a few factors; 1) your personal preference and 2) what body type you have.  Sometimes, you can rock a blazer and not care so much about the length and that's fine!   If you are wider at your hips, you may want to opt for a more cropped version that sits just above the widest part of your hips.  If you're longer in the torso, this is also the case.  If you are regular height or have a shorter torso, a longer blazer length will give you a bit of height.  Ideally, that point of blazer length for a regular blazer (not cropped, not oversized) is going to be at the widest point of your hip.  Or halfway down your tush.

Once you've got these four fit tips at the top of your mind, figuring out how to wear a blazer becomes a whole heck of a lot easier!  If you still have a few questions, you can also pop over to this post I wrote with seven helpful tips on buying the right blazer for your body type.  You can also follow me over on Instagram where I have a video recap of my Wine Wednesday Style Chat all about blazer fit tips!